What is App Lab ?


App Lab (using code.org)

For age 9 to 12 years

This is Level 1 and designed for beginners. In this course we covers basic concepts ( Variables, DataTypes, Strings , Boolean, Operators, for and while loops) with few common components (Button, Label, Text Box, Radio Button, Canvas, Image, Screen) with screen design and basic block coding etc.

For more information on the course feel free to contact our team at Whatsapp +91-8929798989 or write to us at jrcoder.team@gmail.com

App Lab (using code.org)

For age 12 to 18 years

This is Level 2 and designed for those who have already finished Level 1. In this course we covers advance topics like UI Controls, Data, for loops, while loops, if-else conditions, Canvas, getter and setter functions, Turtle & Maths Library etc.

For more information on the course feel free to contact our team at Whatsapp +91-8929798989 or write to us at jrcoder.team@gmail.com

Students Projects