Challenge your child to think like an inventor Challenge your child to think like an inventor
Jr. Coder presents a FREE 1- Week Online STEM Camp where your child will learn how to invent with STEM. Limited seats only !

Reserve your free seat now

For grades 3 to 8.

Challenge your child to think like an inventor
Jr. Coder presents a FREE 1-Week Online STEM Camp where your child will learn how to invent with STEM.
Limited seats only !

Reserve your free seat now

For grades 3 to 8.

What do kids learn?

Solve Problems

Kids learn the process of how real engineers solve problems.

Apply STEM Concepts

Kids learn first-hand how to apply STEM to invent new solutions.

Develop Persistence

Kids learn to push through failure and develop resilience.

What do kids make?

Kids will apply critical thinking, creativity, and STEM concepts to make Solar Powered Car on Qweebi Virtual Makerspace App. Kids will go through a series of steps to make their car.


Kids use their imagination to come up with out-of-the-box car designs.

What can parents expect from the STEM Camp?

Why should you sign up?

What is STEM Camp's schedule?

What will be covered every day?

Kids will learn how to use Qweebi Virtual Makerspace App.

Kids will learn about engineering and invention.

Kids will learn about the engineering design process.

Kids will learn about science and engineering concepts they need to know to build a solar-powered car.

Kids will continue to learn about science and engineering concepts they need to know to build a solar-powered car.

Kids will design and build their solar-powered cars.

Kids will test, iterate and submit their final creation.

Kids will reflect on their experience of building solar-powered cars and their takeaways from the program.

How to get started?

Reserve your free seat now

Reserve your free seat now


The child will receive a certificate for successfully completing the program.

We expect parents to make sure that children attend all the sessions.

If the child misses a session-he/she can watch the recording of the session on their own time.

We could arrange for our instructors to be available for doubt clearance before the start of the next session.